Seval Eroğlu
Saz | Turkey
Seval Eroğlu was born in 1984, Istanbul. At the age of 9, she became acquainted with Bağlama. In 2003, she entered in I.T.U Turkish Music Conservatory Voice Training Department. In 2007, she won Arguvan Turkus Voice Competition and participated in Erdal Erzincan Bağlama Orchestra as a singer and bağlama player. Morever, in the same year she was eligible to attend the TRT Istanbul Turkish Folk Music Youth Chorus with first degree as both a singer and bağlama player. In 2008, she was graduated from I.T.U Turkish Music Conservatory Voice Training Department. In 2010, she constituted Bedestan Turkish Folk Music Orchestra and Sıngers with Göktan Ay, Sinan Ayyıldız. She was vocal conductor in this orchestra. In the same year, she was assigned to in I.T.U Turkish Music Conservatory Voice Training Department as research assistant. In 2011, after finishing master programme, she was eligible to take education from I.T.U Social Sciences Instutite Musicology and Music Theory Doctorate Programme. In 2011, she was singer and bağlama player in ensemble called “Ala” which consist of I.T.U academic member.
From 2010-2016 she was a juror and/or artistic director of Arguvan Turkus Voice Competition . Her first album, “İki Cihan,” was published in 2015. In 2017 and 2018 her article and declaration the subjects such as Baglama’s Representation in terms of Gender, Differences between Teachings and Performance were published. In 2018, she was graduated from I.T.U Social Sciences Instutite Musicology and Music Theory Doctorate Programme by competing the thesis on the subject of Analysing the Music Performance of Baglama-Playing Female Singers in terms of Gender. In 2019, she became an Assistant Professor in Turkish Folk Music Repertoire at Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory. Currently, she is teaching at Istanbul Technical University.